How I rate music


The ID3 v2.3.0 specification defines the popularimeter frame. It allows a user (identified by their email address) to store their rating of a track. The rating itself is a byte, so it can easily represent values on any sensible scale.

A lot of music players and collection managers allow the user to define the number of values of that scale - often represented as stars. This is the case of Quod Libet, one of my personal favorites.

I use a 5-star scale. I want tracks to have no stars by default, so I know I haven’t rated them yet. When I rate a track, I give it from 1 to 5 stars based on how I like it and how likely it is I’ll listen to it again:

Rating How I like the track How likely it is I’ll listen to it again
It’s terrible I never want to hear it again
★★ It’s OK I don’t mind hearing it
★★★ It’s good I’ll listen to it again sometimes
★★★★ It’s fantastic I’ll definitely listen to it again
★★★★★ It’s a masterpiece I’ll certainly listen to it again when I want to be blown away

Ratings can be uploaded to MusicBrainz.