


JBake is a static website generator written in Java.

Templates can be written in the following languages:

Contents can be written in the following formats:


A more flexible homepage

JBake generates a homepage that uses the index template. If you’d rather use a content file for the homepage (e.g. to use a markup language other than HTML), you can follow the following instructions:

  1. Disable the default homepage generation by adding render.index=false to the jbake.properties file. You can also delete the index.html template to keep things tidy.
  2. Create a template for the homepage (e.g. home.html.ftl) in the templates directory. Define this template in the jbake.properties file (e.g. template.home.file = home.html.ftl). This template will receive a content model and can therefore make use of content.body.
  3. Create an content file named index in the content directory (e.g. index.md). In its front matter, set its type to the name of the template (e.g. type=home).

JBake will now process the new template with the content file. As the file generated is named index.html, it will be used as homepage.